Sunday, August 23, 2009

DH - dear husband...the hell?

so during this pregnancy experience, i spend time reading various pregnancy boards. well this chic...wanted to vent about her DH.

Not to long ago I made a post about my dh and how he never wants to spend any time with me. We dated for 3 years (and lived together) and recently got married a month ago after we found out we were expecting our first (unexpected) baby. (pregnant or not, im not doing a shotgun wedding.) But all he ever wants to do is sit around and play video games all day. I mean, all day. (I'm sure after living with him for 3 years, she was aware of how much he played video games.)If I so much as ask him to watch a movie, or do anything that interests me, he moans and groans till he can go play his game. He leaves for the army in 3 weeks, and says he cant wait to get away from my "b*tching". (oh really!?) I know I have been moody so far in my pregnancy, but alot of it was due to the depression over having a child during college, and loosing my family (and basically everything) after I chose to keep our baby. He calls me lazy (which, im not a couch potatoe! I only weigh 108 lbs!) (what does your weight have to do with you being lazy?) and rarely likes to spend time with me, or show me affection. The only time he ever really does is when he needs his sexual "needs" satisfied. He embaresses me infront of his family, and puts our relationship problems out there. It doesn't seem like he is going to miss me at all when he is gone, and I have talked to him about writing letters and calling but he doesnt seem to care much for that. (yea, no thanks shotgun wedding)

The other day we got into a fight and he even spit in my hair! (oh helllll no!)

like, i don't even know where to start. honestly, since he's in the army and by the sounds of it, she doesn't have a job..i'd let his ass go off to war, whatever..have that baby on his benefits and then divorce his ass. like CLEARLY he is disrespectful to her. MAN...these dramatic relationships..i'm too lazy for that ish...raised voices and what not. i honestly feel sorry for the poor kid..who may end up going up in this and seeing this dad spit on his mom. i've only seen ish like that on VH1 trash tv.

how fitting....

how fitting i start this blog today. i guess my body wanted to give me something to blog about.

i haven't had an event of vomiting since before my first OB appointment back in july. After that visit...i got that good ish ZOFRAN! its like a miracle drug the insurance companies don't want to pay for because its damn expensive. but it was the ONLY thing that helped with my nausea. of course i didn't want to take any type of meds during my pregnancy, esp the first trimester, but baby gotta work and pay the bills!

i had it bad from my 5th to 9th week. 24/7 nausea. i only vomited a couple of times, but at least you felt better after you vomit. after my 9th week...all seemed better UNTIL TODAY.

so i don't know if i waited too long to eat or what. ever since the nausea has "gone away" i have zero appetite. i look forward to having cravings and it's wild because i had them while i was nauseated, but not now. anyhoo, was feeling a hot mess and the hubby went to grab something to eat. WELL..i had half a bite and KNEW i was going to vomit. i start salivating like no tomorrow. we were sitting outside on the patio, so my goal was to go inside, but no..i limped over to the grass and went to town. the hubby was totally freaked out. i remember him asking me over and over again "what can i do?" the only other times i've vomited have been at work.

i felt a hot mess after the event. he hosed me off and i was able to eat some mash potato/cornbread dressing before taking a nap.

i also had this horrid headache today. that has been my new thing this week. headaches every evening i make it home, and i had one on wednesday for the entire off day of course.

pregnancy is the damn pitts.

this blog is for me...

after 3 months of honestly feeling like shit...i have the energy to actually create a blog so i'll be able to vent to the masses. as the title says, this blog is for ME. if you don't agree with the realness i'm presenting about MY pregnancy, DON'T READ IT!

i'm tired of folks stating "it will all be worth it." honestly i think that's some psychological bullish mothers start saying to themselves starting with pregnancy, and probably continuing saying to themselves while raising their child.

a couple of things..i'm married and this pregnancy wasn't "unexpected." we got pregnant our first month trying using a ovulation monitor. it's not that i don't want kids, but man i'm just real with myself in regards to this pregnancy experience and refuse to lie to myself in regards to how rough it's been. i have plenty of friends that didn't have morning sickness and had 'easy' pregnancies, but mine is definitely not that, and that's why i'm finding pregnancy to be the PITTS.